Dr. Swami’s Ayushyaman Kidney Hospital

IUI Success Rates: What to Expect When Trying to Conceive

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a popular fertility treatment that can help couples who are struggling to conceive. It involves placing sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation, increasing the chances of fertilization. While IUI success rates vary, many couples have achieved successful pregnancies through this treatment. In this blog, we’ll discuss what to expect when […]

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Know About It?

IUI is a fertility treatment procedure. In this, the sperm are put into the uterus. This process helps eliminate the various barriers to the passage of sperm after natural sexual intercourse. It increases the chances of pregnancy for couples who cannot get pregnant.  What Are the Benefits of IUI? Who Is The Right Candidate? How […]

Understanding Testicular Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Testicular cancer is a rare form of cancer that affects the testicles, which are the male reproductive glands located in the scrotum. While it is not common, it is important to understand the symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of this cancer. Symptoms of Testicular Cancer Testicular cancer may not have any symptoms […]

Understanding Fistula: Causes and Symptoms Explained

Fistula is a medical condition that can greatly impact the quality of life for those affected. It is essential for patients and their loved ones to have a comprehensive understanding of fistula, including its causes and symptoms. This blog aims to provide a clear explanation of fistula, shedding light on its origins and the signs […]

Know Some Important Facts About Anal Fistula

A small tunnel that develops between an infected gland inside the anus to an opening around the anus. Anus is the external opening through which the stools are removed from the body. Symptoms of Anal Fistula Causes of Anal Fistula Diagnosis of Anal Fistula Treatment of Anal Fistula Treatment options vary from conservative measures such […]

Kidney Stones: A Painful Reminder from Within

Introduction: Kidney stones, those tiny but mighty mineral deposits formed within our kidneys, have been causing havoc in the human body for centuries. From their excruciating pain to the complications, they can lead to, kidney stones are a force to be reckoned with. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of kidney stones, their causes, […]

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): A Promising Solution for Infertility

IVF is a fertility treatment in which the female eggs and male sperm are fertilized or combined outside the body in a lab. This method is used for people who have difficulty achieving pregnancy. IVF is one of the most effective forms of assisted reproductive technology (ART), which involves a complex process. The process involves […]

IVF vs Natural Conception: Pros and Cons

When trying to conceive, couples have different options available to them, such as natural conception and assisted reproductive technologies like In vitro fertilization (IVF). Both methods have their own set of pros and cons that couples should consider when making their decision. In this blog, we will discuss the pros and cons of IVF vs […]

Renal Hypertension Prevention: Nurturing Kidney Health for a Balanced Blood Pressure

Renal hypertension, or renovascular hypertension, is characterized by high blood pressure caused by kidney-related issues. The kidneys play an essential role in regulating blood pressure by balancing fluids, electrolytes, and hormones. When these functions are impaired due to kidney artery narrowing or other kidney problems, it can lead to hypertension. Fortunately, with proactive measures and […]

Renal Hypertension: Understanding and Managing with Diet

Renal Hypertension: A Closer Look Renal hypertension, or renovascular hypertension, is characterized by high blood pressure caused by the narrowing of the arteries which supply blood to the kidneys. The narrowed arteries results in reduced blood flow to the kidneys, triggering the release of hormones that increase blood pressure. As a result, renal hypertension can […]